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Writer's picture: Taylor Gibson Taylor Gibson

Wouldn’t it be nice if God could send us text messages? Like a ‘hey sup this is gonna happen but don’t worry because it is part of my plan and I gotchu’. Or like a ‘Wanna hang later? Miss ya!’. Or a ‘Hey you are doing great today, I love ya!’

Sometimes it is so hard to hear what in the world God is trying to tell us. I want to do his will and follow his plan, but dang sometimes that is really hard to do that when I can’t seem to figure out what exactly it is he is trying to say.

Why is it so hard to decipher his callings though? I have always been jealous of those people who are like ‘I just know this is what God is telling me to’. They make it sound like his voice is so clear and easy to hear...why sometimes is it so hard for me to do the same?!

Truth is, maybe it isn’t so hard to hear his voice, but rather it is that I am not being still enough to hear it. Maybe the quick 2 minutes I use in the morning for devotionals because I am always running late, isn’t enough. Maybe my midnight half-asleep attempt at reading the bible isn’t quite cutting it. Maybe I need to be more intentional, seek him more, and be quiet enough to hear him.

He is a loving God and desires a close relationship with us, however, a relationship is two ways. Both parties need to contribute for it to work, and communication is key.

It is sad to think that so often we will subconsciously sacrifice our sweet time with the Lord so easily for our busy schedules and loads of distractions (cmon we’ve all been there when we stay on tiktok too long and then fall asleep before devos). I can’t imagine how much that must hurt the Lord, that we often put those things above spending quality time with him who loves us so.

To try to comeback this issue, I try to take a simple 15 min walk alone on Sunday nights, without my phone to intentionally seek out his calling. I did it for the first time last week, and man it was so sweet. It was so peaceful and I just thanked God for all the good going around and even felt some clarity on what to do with my new major and internship options for the summer. 10/10 recommend! We all can at least fit a 15-minute walk with God into our week.

Yea, getting a text from God would give us some clarity, and would be nice for our anxious and wondering human brains, but there is something loving about how he doesn’t reveal to us all that will happen, because it would probably be too much to take in anyways. It is also sweet how he doesn’t tell us what the future is, because then what would faith be? If faith is trusting and walking into the unknown with confident trust in the Lord, then it makes perfect sense why his intentions are to gently guide every step of the way, instead of just tell us everything in advance. We need (and he wants) us to just be still, seek him, and listen to him.

In the heat of the moment though, and during tribulations when we are wondering why God would allow something to happen, or what the next direction we should take our next step is, a clear plain text from God of what to do, would definitely be nice! It is in this time though, that we got to stay consistent in pursuing and seeking him, and then finding out what our next step is will definitely be easier to figure out!

In these types of situations, it is usually a default line of mine to say “why can’t God just shoot me a text?!”. That'd be so clear and easy because then I would know exactly what to do! But I must remember his timing is best, he has our best intentions, and that as long as we strive to seek and honor him, we are in the spot he wants us. Amen to that!

“Trust in the Lord with your whole heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” Proverbs 3: 5-6

So lose worry about future conflicts, anxiety, or what to do next, because all we have to do is seek and love him, and he will take us exactly where we are supposed to be!

Now ditch the phone and go out on a nice walk!!

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